Sunday, December 13, 2015
Intro to Memoirs
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Why Doesn't Mommy Love Me?
My mommy is the best mommy ever! She makes me cookies and lets me help stir the dough. She tells me stories that make me laugh. She plays video games with me on rainy days.
Sometimes I make mommy mad. One time I wouldn't stop crying and mommy yelled at me to shut up. Mommy said I was bad for crying. Mommy grabbed me and shook me and I cried even harder. I was scared. Then mommy started crying. She hugged me and said she was sorry and she loved me. I love mommy. I didn't mean to make her cry.
Sometimes mommy won't get out of bed to play with me. She tells me to get away from her. She hides under the covers. She tells me to go watch a movie. I watch a lot of movies. I wish mommy would get up. I didn't mean to make her hide.
Sometimes mommy is very sad. She gets really quiet and won't smile. She sits on the couch and ignores me until I talk to her. She says her medicine helps her sadness, but I don't think it does. She says she is depressed. I didn't mean to make her depressed.
My mommy is the best mommy ever. I'm just the worst kid. I wish I could make her happier. I wish she loved me more.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Set It Free
What does giving up entail? I could be dramatic and say I'll never see my children again, but that's simply not true. I will see them on weekends and holidays when I can pick them up. They'll know I am their mother and I love them. However, I won't be there to see them when they've had a bad day at school, or a good day for that matter. I won't be there to help them with their homework or to talk them through their first crush. No special after school routines or bedtime rituals. No having groups of friends come over and eat all the food in the house. Life with mom just won't be the same as life with dad. Someday when they're older they might choose to live with me and nothing would make me happier. I can't count on that though, I have to let go as if they'll never live with me again.
Why am I allowing this to happen? Let's look at this from a detached view, not driven by emotion. One that I eventually had to embrace. I live in a small, rural house with no means of transportation to and from for river trips, park visits, etc. I am on food stamps which means halfway through the month I am wondering where my next meal is coming from. I have only the very basics to offer. I cannot take my kids to Sea World or Schlitterbahn on a whim. I cannot buy them fashionable clothes for school. I cannot get them the cool toys they see at the store or snacks at a movie. I simply cannot. Their father can offer them all this and more. He has the income to raise happy, normal, suburban kids with only the most superficial worries. They can have their own bedrooms and cell phones and all the fun stuff you hear kids want nowadays. Furthermore my bipolar disorder means I can't even give them the attention they deserve. What am I supposed to tell them on days when I can't even get out of bed? Come back later, mommy has issues? How do I connect with my children when I cannot connect with the world around me? I let them go because I cannot give them what they deserve out of life.
If this was you, what would you do?
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
From the Depths
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Sunday, February 1, 2015
The Nature of Pain
I've felt immense pain twice in my life. The pain consumed me both times. Pressing down around me, suffocating me. At first, I tried to escape. Manipulating, lying, desperately trying to find relief. When that didn't work the panic set it. My heart raced as I felt the pain close in on me with no hope of release. I was forced to endure it day in and day out. Each morning I would wake feeling numb from sleep. Each morning I felt agony as the memory of the painful events took hold again. Every so often the pressure would build and I would sob for relief. My mind was on auto pilot, living one day at a time, every day a struggle to keep moving. This lasted several months. Then the pain began to subside. The first time I emerged covered in emotional scabs. Hard covers that kept all strong emotion out. This was my defense against future pain. Does this mean I felt nothing? Of course not. I felt love again. However, the love was guarded. The depth of my emotion hidden from those I loved as well as myself. I stayed this way for years. Then the second painful event occurred. The scabs were ripped clean and my world closed in once more. This time a curious thing happened when the pain began to fade. I noticed that instead of scabs, I was left with soft scars. Reminders of the pain yes, but healed. No longer festering. I take with me the memory of both great pains. I know I will experience the pain again. Yet I feel hopeful knowing I can now experience great love as well.